Volunteer, Elections, and Awards!

Our active local section presents high-quality safety and health education and networking events, monitors local legislation, and supports students. You can be part of making it all happen!

Serving as a local section officer or committee volunteer is a great way to get to know IHs from around the region. Your efforts help to keep our local section an essential resource well into the future.

How to Join

Executive Committee:

1. Start by either nominating yourself or by nominating someone else.

2. Individuals who are nominated by others will be contacted to confirm nomination.

3. Nominated individuals are asked to provide a brief statement or bio and a clear photograph of themselves. Then they are placed on the election ballot.

4. Local Section membership completes an electronic or physical vote.


Call for Executive Committee Member Nominations

Call for Executive Committee Nominations

What’s involved in the Local Section Executive Committee?

Terms of office start at the fall annual meeting. The Executive Committee meets at least four times a year by phone; online or in person. Individual committees meet on a frequency agreed upon by the group. Our website committee volunteers support all Board members for posting content on the website and on social media as needed.


National AIHA members are eligible to run for all officer positions. If not a national member now, successful candidates will need to join after election. All local section members are eligible to run for director and local education leader positions (i.e., National AIHA membership is not required) .

What Officer positions are available?

President-Elect: 3-year term
The President-Elect, leads planning for our fall conference and attends the AIHA Leadership Workshop. As President, will serve as liaison with AIHA and chairs Board meetings. As Immediate Past President, will lead the Nominations and Awards Committee and helps find a fall conference venue for two years out.
Recording Secretary: 2-year term
The Recording Secretary, takes meeting minutes and keeps records. The Recording Secretary becomes the Executive Secretary during the second year of their term. The Executive Secretary, is in charge of the newsletter and balloting.

What Non-Officer Board Positions are available?

First-year Director: 2-year term
The First-year Director assists the Local Education Committee Leaders as needed. The First-year Director becomes the Second-year Director during their second year. The Second Year Director shall chair the Spring Symposium program committee and assist the Immediate Past President with the Nominations and Awards committee.
First-year NOHC Planning Officer: 2-year term
The First-year NOHC Planner assists the President-Elect as an active member of the NOHC planning committee for our fall conference. The First-year NOHC Planner becomes the Second-year NOHC planner during their second year. The Second-year NOHC Planner performs the same duties as in their first year.

What Committee Leader or Volunteer Member Positions (i.e., Executive Committee positions) are available?

Local Education Committee Leader: 1-year term
Local Education Committee Leaders work with others in their geographic area to plan and arrange educational offerings for members. There are five positions, located in Montana, Spokane, the Tri-Cities, Portland, and Seattle/Alaska.
Website Committee Chair: 1-year term
Website Committee Chair works with the executive board and with website committee members to ensure relevant content is maintained on the local section website and social media pages.
NOHC Planning Committee Volunteer: 1-year term
NOHC Planning Committee volunteers assist the President-Elect with event planning, coordination, and execution of the annual fall conference.
Call for Distinguished IH Award Nominations

Annual Distinguished IH Award

What industrial hygienist do you admire most? Nominate them for the Distinguished Industrial Hygienist award!

What makes them “distinguished,” you ask? It could be their contributions to industrial hygiene, their long years of service, or their leadership in our local PNS-AIHA section or national AIHA. We all know IHs who are outstanding – tell us which one you think should get the award this year!

Annual Election Ballot

Executive Committee Annual Elections Ballot

Voting Period

Voting period is from August to October. The terms of all elected members starts at the annual meeting during the October conference.

The Annual Elections will be held either online via an electronic ballot or by submitting physical ballots. Please mark one choice for each position. The Past President Officer will coordinate the Annual Elections and will provide the membership with election news.

What Officer Positions are on the ballot?

President-Elect: 3-year term

The President-Elect, leads planning for our fall conference and attends the AIHA Leadership Workshop. As President, will serve as liaison with AIHA and chairs Board meetings. As Immediate Past President, will lead the Nominations and Awards Committee and helps find a fall conference venue for two years out.

Recording Secretary: 2-year term

The Recording Secretary, takes meeting minutes and keeps records. The Recording Secretary becomes the Executive Secretary during the second year of their term. The Executive Secretary, is in charge of the newsletter and balloting.

What Non-Officer Board Positions are on the ballot?

First-year Director: 2-year term

The First-year Director assists the Local Education Committee Leaders as needed. The First-year Director becomes the Second-year Director during their second year. The Second Year Director shall chair the Spring Symposium program committee and assist the Immediate Past President with the Nominations and Awards committee.

First-year NOHC Planner: 2-year term

The First-year NOHC Planner assists the President-Elect as an active member of the NOHC planning committee for our fall conference. The First-year NOHC Planner becomes the Second-year NOHC planner during their second year. The Second-year NOHC Planner performs the same duties as in their first year.

What Committee Leader Positions are on the ballot?

Local Education Committee Leader: 1-year term

Local Education Committee Leaders work with others in their geographic area to plan and arrange educational offerings for members. There are five positions, located in Montana, Spokane, Tri-Cities, Portland, Seattle and Alaska.

Website Committee Chair: 1-year term

Website Committee Chair works with the executive board and with website committee members to ensure relevant content is maintained on the local section website and social media pages.

The Option for Write-in Candidates:

Local section members can cast a write-in vote for a candidate whose name does not appear on the ballot. To vote for a write-in candidate check the "Other" box below, then type in the first and last name of your candidate.


National AIHA members are eligible to run for all officer positions. If you are not a national member now, successful candidates will need to join after this election. All local section members are eligible to run for director and local education leader positions (i.e., National AIHA membership is not required) .

If you have questions about this page email: this year's PNS-AIHA Past President Officer / Nominations and Awards Chair

Local Section Operations

Executive Committee Bylaws, Policy, Procedures: