Become a member of the AIHA Utah Local Section today and begin experiencing the many benefits of membership, including professional development and joining our robust network!
- How to join:
- AIHA National Members: Pay dues as appropriate through the AIHA National membership portal.
- Local-Only Members: Please fill out our membership form and pay dues as appropriate through our section Venmo (attached in the form).
- Retirees and Students: Please fill out our membership form. Dues are not required for student and retired members.
- Who can join: Anybody interested in supporting and promoting the advancement of occupational safety and health in Utah may join! You can join as a student, professional, retiree, or even as an interested community member.
- How much it costs: Membership dues are $35 per year. Student and Retired memberships to the Utah Local Section are free.
- How to get involved:
- See the Events page for our upcoming local section meetings and other great events from AIHA National.
- Volunteer opportunities through local committees are in the works - if you would like to get involved with one, let us know through our membership form!
- Check out volunteer groups within AIHA National and join one today!
Student Local Sections
Students currently enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs are invited to join Utah’s Local Section at no charge. See "How to join" above for instructions! Students are also highly encouraged to participate in conferences and meetings through volunteering or presenting internship or research topics. Future opportunities for student involvement are being explored and ideas are welcome.