SDAIHA generally meets bimonthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month during lunchtime. If you are interested in presenting during one of our local chapter meetings or during our annual PDS, please send an email request to [email protected].

SDAIHA Bimonthly Meeting

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM PDT
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Admiral Baker Clubhouse
2400 Admiral Baker Rd
San Diego, CA 92124

The next bimonthly meeting will feature Mr. Daniel Baxter, president of Environmental Analysis Associates, who will be speaking on the science, controversy, and misconceptions surrounding appropriate sampling, analysis, and assessment methods used to evaluate wildfire and structure fire impact. Mr. Baxter will present the different perspectives and approaches an Industrial Hygienist (IH) needs to consider when addressing the differences between a classical hazard assessment, a forensic evaluation of impact, fire cause, and origin. He will also be discussing assessment of cleanliness following cleaning or restoration. The presentation will be shaped by providing the IH with a visual (behind the microscope) understanding of the critical limitations of the microscopical analysis the IH relies upon.

Lunch and a certificate of attendance will be provided.

Click on the link below to register or RSVP.

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