Membership Benefits
Professional Advancement
The credibility of belonging to a network of local IH professionals is a credential in itself. Local section informational and educational opportunities are offered to keep members at the cutting edge of the profession.
Newsletters, credible local sources, and links to valuable information through our web site provides information for members to keep up with the latest developments on issues at the local, state and national level.
Educational Opportunities
We offer quality educational meetings throughout the year. The local section also solicits local presenters in an effort to recognize the diverse expertise and experience of our members.
Interaction and Networking
What better way to network with fellow IHs than the local section meeting? The local section also provides multiple educational and networking opportunities throughout the year. Members can become involved in local section committees (i.e. Program Committee) to develop meeting content and meet peers.
Employment Information
Our local section web site posts IH related job announcements. Announcements are often made at local section meetings.