New Mem​bers

For new memberships, please access the membership registration form here.


NEAIHA dues are due each year by March 1st. This will maintain your status as “Member “ of NEAIHA. All Basic Contacts (non-dues paying members) are welcome to upgrade their status to a Member.

Dues help to support local section scholarships, thank you gifts for guest speakers, secretarial supplies for the group, and accounting functions.

Benefits on being a member of NEAIHA include the ability to utilize MemberClicks for online payments and discount pricing on all local section events.

You can pay local section dues ($35.00) via the following methods:

1. AIHA National - If you pay national AIHA dues, there is an additional provision that allows you to pay local section dues. Our chapter is New England AIHA - $35.

2. MemberClicks - For those members who have existing accounts on MemberClicks, please make payment via online membership renewal form.

To check on your membership status or renew your membership with NEAIHA directly:

  • Click on "Memberclicks" in the menubar at the top of this page.
  • Enter your username and password
  • Select View Profile or Membership Renewal as appropriate

Thank you for being a part of NEAIHA.