New Mem​bers

For new memberships, please use this MemberClicks link to access the membership registration form.


NEAIHA dues are due each year by March 1st. This will maintain your status as “Member “ of NEAIHA. All Basic Contacts (non-dues paying members) are welcome to upgrade their status to a Member.

Dues help to support local section scholarships, thank you gifts for guest speakers, secretarial supplies for the group, and accounting functions.

Benefits on being a member of NEAIHA include the ability to utilize MemberClicks for online payments and discount pricing on all local section events.

You can pay local section dues ($35.00) via the following methods:

1. AIHA National - If you pay national AIHA dues, there is an additional provision that allows you to pay local section dues. Our chapter is New England AIHA - $35.

2. MemberClicks - For those members who have existing accounts on MemberClicks, please make payment via online membership renewal form.

To check on your membership status or renew your membership with NEAIHA directly:

  • Click on "Memberclicks" in the menubar at the top of this page.
  • Enter your username and password
  • Select View Profile or Membership Renewal as appropriate

Thank you for being a part of NEAIHA.