Leslie Silverman Award
Established in 1967 in memory of Leslie Silverman, this award is presented to a member of the New England Section for outstanding contributions to the science of industrial hygiene. Past award recipients are:
Harvey Elkins
Harry B. Ashe
Melvin W. Fist
William A. Burgess
Stover Snook
Janet Walker Cares
Leonard Pagnotto
Rudolph J. Jaeger
Stanley Pihl
Pioneer Award
Establish in 1965, this award is presented to a member of the New England Section who is a full-time industrial hygienist, has 30 years of service in the field, and has contributed to the literature of industrial hygiene. Past award recipients are:
John Deery
Joseph Wuraftic
Harold Bavley
Leonard Pagnotto
Bud Siroonian
Charles R. Williams Award
Established in 1965 in memory of Charles R. William, this award is presented for members with meritorious service to the New England Section. Past award recipients are:
John B. Skinner
William M. Pierce
Willian R. Revoir
Joseph A. Houghton
Vincent Yurgills
Leon Horowitz
William R. LaRoque
Freeland Chew
Russel VanHouten
Dorothy Reid
Richard Grillo